terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2019

Writers' Corner #20

Living in a multicultural society takes time. It’s a long educational process.
  (Jeresa Hren – Women’s Leadership Conference)

Nowadays emigration has become a necessity for those who hope for a better future,  so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that multicultural cities have arisen.
Living among various cultures and having the ability to fit in is a skill that takes time to achieve. To the more experienced traveller, whose life has been spent wandering every corner of our planet, infiltrating in such a society isn’t a problem, but to the inexperieced traveller whose sole contact with other cultures occurred through hotel check-ins or airport passport-controls, it can be quite hard to accept the concept of multiculturalism. Issues such as racism, xenophobia and other types of discrimination have always persisted and will always persist due to the existence of narrow-minded people but, surprisingly, “the digital natives” era came to help reduce the quantity of such individuals as it is, in fact, through apps like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that people are able to connect to the world and, thus, gain more knowledge in regard to cultural diversity.
Overall, learning to live and interact with people from different backgrounds is an impressive feat that takes time. Even though it might be a slow and tedious process, it is definitely worth it as, in the end, one will not only acquire the ability to live anywhere and get along with the different races, but will also become more familiarized with the world outside the safety of home.

Denise Pinheiro, 11º F

terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2019

Writers' Corner # 19

How important is music in your life?

Music is very important for people of all ages, but especially for teens. It can help us get through the changes that we can’t control and our daily problems.
In my case, music helps me relax before a test and control my anxiety. It’s also very helpful when I’m studying because it helps me stay focused and memorize things.   
Besides all the help in my school life, I also use music to express myself and to make me feel better whenever I have a really bad day.
Finally, I also use music as an “icebreaker”, for example, when I meet someone new, music is always a good conversation topic, and it avoids all the awkward moments.
In conclusion, I think that music is truly important, not just for me, but for all people around the world, no matter their age.

Maria Figueiredo, 10º K

quinta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2019

O Livro do Mês #4

Markus Zusak, A Rapariga que roubava Livros

Quando a morte nos conta uma história temos todo o interesse em escutá-la. Assumindo o papel de narrador em A Rapariga Que Roubava Livros, vamos ao seu encontro na Alemanha, por ocasião da segunda guerra mundial, onde ela tem uma função muito ativa na recolha de almas vítimas do conflito. E é por esta altura que se cruza pela segunda vez com Liesel, uma menina de nove anos de idade, entregue para adoção, que já tinha passado pelos olhos da morte no funeral do seu pequeno irmão. Foi aí que Liesel roubou o seu primeiro livro, o primeiro de muitos pelos quais se apaixonará e que a ajudarão a superar as dificuldades da vida, dando um sentido à sua existência. Quando o roubou ainda não sabia ler, será com a ajuda do seu pai, um perfeito intérprete de acordeão que passará a saber percorrer o caminho das letras, exorcizando fantasmas do passado. Ao longo dos anos, Liesel continuará a dedicar-se à prática de roubar livros e a encontrar-se com a morte, que irá sempre utilizar um registo pouco sentimental embora humano e poético, atraindo a atenção de quem a lê para cada frase, cada sentido, cada palavra. 
Um livro soberbo que prima pela originalidade e que nos devolve um outro olhar sobre os dias da guerra no coração da Alemanha e acima de tudo pelo amor à literatura.