terça-feira, 28 de maio de 2019

Citizenship and Development #1

Tendo como objetivo envolver os alunos em atividades potenciadoras do desenvolvimento de competências pessoais e sociais, os alunos de Inglês das turmas 10º A e 10º D elaboraram textos escritos alusivos a figuras proeminentes na defesa dos Direitos Humanos.
Os textos publicados no blogue desta biblioteca são algumas amostras do trabalho desenvolvido por estes alunos.
Professora Albertina Anjo

Alice Walker – Human Rights Activist

Alice Walker was born on February 9 in 1944. She is a novelist, short story writer, poet, and political activist. She is known for writing the novel The Colour Purple in 1982, which brought to her the National Book Award for hardcover fiction, and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
She is also known for being a feminist, who created, in 1983, the word "womanist" which means a black feminist or feminist of colour. Even nowadays, Alice is a big influence on feminists through her books and other works.
Alice Walker always wanted to change the rules of society. She has been a powerful feminist who fought for race equality. She is a “feminist of colour”.  The term was made to unite women of color and the feminist movement at "the intersection of race and gender oppression.
Through her writing career she explains us the obstacles and difficulties she had to fight against in order to protect woman’s rights. But she also did a lot for humanity as well, explained through her books and her speeches. All that was done along with being an activist.
And that way we think Alice Walker really took a step forward in humanity fighting for a more equal world.

 Margarida Figueiredo,10ºA
 Mariana Pinto,10ºA

terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2019

Writers' Corner #29

What are the most relevant factors to succeed at work?

(I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.  Estee Lauder)

 At a certain age, the first thing we want to do is become independent, but first we need to get a job and know the world of work.
When we are starting a career, firstly we need to find out what we are good at, what we like and what people need. That is why most young students are not happy with their work -  because they don´t think twice; they just go for it.
 To me, the most relevant factors  to succeed at work are the following: to be helpful and always willing to work; to have the ambition of being the best in what we do; to be patient and nice to co-workers; and to have a good relationship with co-workers and our boss. But the most important thing is to love what we do because if we love what we do, we won´t call it a job, but a hobby.
 We cannot dream about success; we have to work for it and be good at what we do because one day we will enjoy looking back and thinking that we have done our best.

Afonso Cunha, 11F

quinta-feira, 2 de maio de 2019

Writers' Corner #28

What are the most relevant factors to succeed at work?

I never dreamed about success. I worked for it. (Estee Lauder)

Work, whether we consider it in the past or in the present, has something that no amount of time can alleviate, and that is it does not reward the lazy. Even if your dad is the owner of a big law firm that will surely be handed down to you, if your work ethic is low, you will not enjoy your job as other employees will surely drive you insane with their constant need to be productive.
Furthermore, there is a thin line between a good employee and a bad one, and it is that line that can signify the Holy Grail for some – those whose hard work will surely pay off - and failure for others. To be successful in your job, you must be organized, innovative and a goal-setter since the key to success is never giving up. In fact, employers are often looking for workers that stand out and have a tendency to think outside the box.
Overall, as I see it, the most relevant factor in workplace success is, undoubtedly, being able to maintain a solid and productive routine while simultaneously pushing yourself to your limit - and, thus,  showing others and yourself what you are truly made of.

Denise Pinheiro, 11ºF

Este mês andamos a ler

Um tempo múltiplo. Labiríntico. As histórias das sociedades humanas. Ricardo Reis chega a Lisboa em finais de dezembro de 1935. Fica até setembro de 1936. Uma personagem vinda de uma outra ficção, a da heteronímia de Fernando Pessoa. E um movimento inverso, logo a começar: «Aqui onde o mar se acaba e a terra principia»; o virar ao contrário o verso de Camões: «Onde a terra acaba e o mar começa.» Em Camões, o movimento é da terra para o mar; no livro de Saramago temos Ricardo Reis a regressar a Portugal por mar. É substituído o movimento épico da partida. Mais uma vez, a história na escrita de Saramago. E as relações entre a vida e a morte. Ricardo Reis chega a Lisboa em finais de dezembro e Fernando Pessoa morreu a 30 de novembro. Ricardo Reis visita-o ao cemitério. Um tempo complexo. O fascismo consolida-se em Portugal. 

(Leitura recomendada para o 12º ano)