terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2019

Writers' Corner #24

I am glad I picked up the courage to move to a country thousands of miles away from the stability of home.                          
 (Xitao Chui, Singapore, studying at the University of Glasgow)

Have you ever thought of studying abroad?

Studying abroad is a very popular activity nowadays.
I would love to travel to another country and study there. If I studied abroad, I would have the chance to learn new words, practise accents and, most importantly, learn about the fascinating culture of a specific country.
I have an extreme passion for the U.K. and specially London, but in honour of my favourite actor - among other reasons -, I would choose the Republic of Ireland. Ireland is such a beautiful place! Yet, it is extremely underrated. I would choose Dublin, not only because of the influencers that were born in the city, but also because of its beauty and grace. The language wouldn't be a struggle for me because I can speak and understand Irish English (the local accent and vocabulary).
Still, the great difficulty I would face is money as I can’t afford it. I could participate in the Erasmus programme , but for me it wouldn’t be the same feeling.
If I ever studied in Dublin, I would probably never leave it!

Lara Pires, 10º M

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