Este livro reúne doze dos mais belos contos de Natal escritos em língua portuguesa. Fialho de Almeida, Eça de Queiroz, Ramalho Ortigão, Raul Brandão e Machado de Assis são alguns dos autores destes clássicos que com mestria retratam o imaginário desta época.
quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2019
quinta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2019
Concurso Nacional de Leitura
3º Ciclo
Aventuras de João Sem Medo, José Gomes Ferreira
Sexta-feira ou a Vida Selvagem, Michel Tournier
Contos, Eça De Queirós
1ª Fase - Prova de Escola: 11 de dezembro
Inscreve-te na Biblioteca escolar, PARTICIPA!
quinta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2019
Este mês andamos a ler
Numa remota aldeia polaca, a excêntrica Janina Duszejko, professora reformada, divide os seus dias a traduzir a poesia de William Blake e a observar os sinais da astrologia, fazendo por manter-se afastada das pessoas e próxima dos animais, cuja companhia prefere; mas a pacatez dos seus dias vê-se interrompida quando começam a aparecer mortos vários membros do clube de caça local. Certa de encontrar respostas, Janina decide lançar-se na investigação do caso, chegando a uma estranha teoria que espalhará o terror pela comunidade.
Sob a máscara de policial noir ou fábula macabra, Conduz o Teu Arado Sobre os Ossos dos Mortos é um romance mordaz e desconcertante que questiona a nossa posição acerca dos direitos dos animais e responsabilidade sobre a natureza, bem como todas as ideias preconcebidas sobre a loucura, a justiça e a tradição.
quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2019
Este mês andamos a ler
1984 oferece hoje uma descrição quase realista do vastíssimo sistema de fiscalização em que passaram a assentar as democracias capitalistas. A electrónica permite, pela primeira vez na história da humanidade, reunir nos mesmos instrumentos e nos mesmos gestos o trabalho e a fiscalização exercida sobre o trabalhador. O Big Brother já não é uma figura de estilo - converteu-se numa vulgaridade quotidiana.
segunda-feira, 23 de setembro de 2019
Bem-vindo, Outono!
Uma borboleta amarela?
Ou uma folha seca
Que se desprendeu e não quis pousar?
Mário Quintana, Hai-Kai de Outono
quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2019
Citizenship and Development #2
The woman who made the difference
Eleanor Roosevelt was a pioneer in the Human Rights
movement. She was born on the 11th October 1884, in New York. This powerful woman, who was married to
Franklin Roosevelt, was the First Lady of US during the II World War. In the
White House, she was one of the most active first ladies in history and worked
for political, racial and social justice.
were many episodes where she showed her support to these causes. This is one
example: in 1938 she went the inaugural meeting of Southern Conference for
Human Welfare. There she sat directly beside an African American associate, ignoring the
designated whites-only section. After being told that Birmingham’s segregationist policies
prohibited whites and blacks from sitting together at public functions, the
First Lady asked for a ruler. Then she said: “Now measure the distance between
this chair and that one,”. Upon examining this gap separating the white and
black seating areas, the first lady placed her chair directly in its center.
There she defiantly sat, in a racial no-man’s land, until the
meeting concluded. “They were afraid to arrest her,” one witness claimed.
Eleanor was elected delegate of the United Nations
in 1946. This organization had a commission dedicated especially to Human
Rights which was made up by eighteen members from various political, cultural
and religious backgrounds. Due to her impact and effort she was recognized as
the driving force for this commission and led to the creation of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
these reasons Eleanor is such an important figure in our History and everybody
should see her as an example to be followed.
Margarida Morim, 10A
Marta Nicolau, 10A
terça-feira, 28 de maio de 2019
Citizenship and Development #1
Tendo como objetivo envolver os alunos em atividades potenciadoras do desenvolvimento de competências pessoais e sociais, os alunos de Inglês das turmas 10º A e 10º D elaboraram textos escritos alusivos a figuras proeminentes na defesa dos Direitos Humanos.
Os textos publicados no blogue desta biblioteca são algumas amostras do trabalho desenvolvido por estes alunos.
Professora Albertina Anjo
Alice Walker – Human Rights Activist
Alice Walker
was born on February 9 in 1944. She is a novelist, short story writer, poet,
and political activist. She is known for writing the novel The Colour Purple in 1982, which brought to her the National Book
Award for hardcover fiction, and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
She is also known for being a feminist, who
created, in 1983, the word "womanist" which means a black feminist or
feminist of colour. Even nowadays, Alice is a big influence on feminists
through her books and other works.
Alice Walker always wanted to change the rules of
society. She has been a powerful feminist who fought for race equality. She is
a “feminist of colour”. The term was
made to unite women of color and the feminist movement at "the
intersection of race and gender oppression.
Through her
writing career she explains us the obstacles and difficulties she had to fight
against in order to protect woman’s rights. But she also did a lot for humanity
as well, explained through her books and her speeches. All that was done along
with being an activist.
that way we think Alice Walker really took a step forward in humanity fighting
for a more equal world.
Margarida Figueiredo,10ºA
Mariana Pinto,10ºA
terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2019
Writers' Corner #29
are the most relevant factors to succeed at work?
(I never dreamed about success. I worked for
it. Estee Lauder)
At a certain age, the first thing we want to
do is become independent, but first we need to get a job and know the world of
we are starting a career, firstly we need to find out what we are good at, what
we like and what people need. That is why most young students are not happy
with their work - because they don´t
think twice; they just go for it.
To me, the most relevant factors to succeed at work are the following: to be
helpful and always willing to work; to have the ambition of being the best in
what we do; to be patient and nice to co-workers; and to have a good
relationship with co-workers and our boss. But the most important thing is to
love what we do because if we love what we do, we won´t call it a job, but a
We cannot dream about success; we have to work
for it and be good at what we do because one day we will enjoy looking back and
thinking that we have done our best.
Afonso Cunha, 11F
quinta-feira, 2 de maio de 2019
Writers' Corner #28
What are the most relevant factors to succeed at
I never dreamed about
success. I worked for it. (Estee Lauder)
Work, whether we consider it in the
past or in the present, has something that no amount of time can alleviate, and
that is it does not reward the lazy. Even if your dad is the owner of a big law
firm that will surely be handed down to you, if your work ethic is low, you will
not enjoy your job as other employees will surely drive you insane with their
constant need to be productive.
Furthermore, there is a thin line
between a good employee and a bad one, and it is that line that can signify the
Holy Grail for some – those whose hard work will surely pay off - and failure
for others. To be successful in your job, you must be organized, innovative and
a goal-setter since the key to success is never giving up. In fact, employers
are often looking for workers that stand out and have a tendency to think
outside the box.
Overall, as I see it, the most
relevant factor in workplace success is, undoubtedly, being able to maintain a
solid and productive routine while simultaneously pushing yourself to your
limit - and, thus, showing others and
yourself what you are truly made of.
Denise Pinheiro, 11ºF
Este mês andamos a ler
Um tempo múltiplo. Labiríntico. As histórias das sociedades humanas. Ricardo Reis chega a Lisboa em finais de dezembro de 1935. Fica até setembro de 1936. Uma personagem vinda de uma outra ficção, a da heteronímia de Fernando Pessoa. E um movimento inverso, logo a começar: «Aqui onde o mar se acaba e a terra principia»; o virar ao contrário o verso de Camões: «Onde a terra acaba e o mar começa.» Em Camões, o movimento é da terra para o mar; no livro de Saramago temos Ricardo Reis a regressar a Portugal por mar. É substituído o movimento épico da partida. Mais uma vez, a história na escrita de Saramago. E as relações entre a vida e a morte. Ricardo Reis chega a Lisboa em finais de dezembro e Fernando Pessoa morreu a 30 de novembro. Ricardo Reis visita-o ao cemitério. Um tempo complexo. O fascismo consolida-se em Portugal.
(Leitura recomendada para o 12º ano)
segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2019
quarta-feira, 3 de abril de 2019
Writers' Corner #27
Technology – an asset or an obstacle?
Technology is a very popular topic nowadays, one that causes many
discussions about its importance in our lives. Has it helped our lives or has
it caused more problems?
Firstly, I need to point out that technology is so advanced that it is
really difficult or impossible to live without it. It has given us some very
good gadgets and electrical equipments. In my opinion, life would be worse
without electricity, or without a fridge, which preserves our food and without
which it would be impossible to live
Although it helps our lives, technology can cause some problems too. The
mobile phone is a good example of it. It really helps us, but if we can't
establish a limited amount of usage time, we'll be addicted to it and won't be
able to have a balanced and proper life.
In conclusion, I would say that, from my point of view, technology won't
ruin your life if you don't overuse it.
Beatriz Pereira, 10º M
segunda-feira, 1 de abril de 2019
Este mês andamos a ler
Este é o romance mais divertido de valter hugo mãe, feito da história sempre trágica de duas empregadas de limpeza e carpideiras profissionais que, entre cansaços e desilusões, encontram ainda motivos de esperança. Cada uma ao seu modo, descobrem caminhos nada óbvios para a felicidade, explicando uma inteligência que radica mais na emoção do que na prudência envergonhada do bom senso.
O retrato mais genuíno de Portugal é, ao mesmo tempo, um sinal de força e de confiança para que, um dia, o país se encontre com a generosidade que define tanto o seu próprio povo.
terça-feira, 26 de março de 2019
Writers' Corner #26
People fail to get along because they
fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they
don’t know each other because they have not communicated with each other.
Luther King
Nowadays, it’s not that strange to be
amongst people of different races, ethnicities or cultures as the world has
adapted itself to accommodate all human beings. Although this new way of
thinking is becoming more and more popular, it has not yet been properly
carried out by the entire world.
On the one hand, as the statement
conveys, the problem is in the mentalities of people who don’t realise how much
of others’ cultures they have assimilated into theirs, be it in the food
sector, the fashion industry, or even in the laws, and, instead of being
grateful for such diversity, they proceed to complain about immigrants and
their “foreign” lifestyles. This mainly occurs due to a lack of communication,
as Martin Luther King wisely stated, which creates these stereotyped concepts.
On the other hand, government
officials are not always encouraging integration as they have their own
interests to worry about. Donald Trump, for instance, is one of the most racist
presidents currently active. Besides discriminating against Muslims for their
alleged affiliations with terrorism, he also despises Mexicans, blacks, women
and anything else that isn’t a white male. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a
surprise that peoples’ mentalities aren’t evolving as fast as they should.
In conclusion, we should all embrace
diversity - as it strives to bring us together - instead of building walls that
separate us.
Denise Pinheiro, 11º F
quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2019
quinta-feira, 14 de março de 2019
Writers' Corner #25
The School
of my life
I’m a seventh
grade student and I’m writing to make an account of my experience in this school
during the first term and what made me enjoy studying here.
I will start by
describing it. It’s a large, imposing and beautiful building. It is well
maintained and we all contribute to keep it that way. One of the places I like
to be with my friends is the indoor patio because it is very nice to be sitting
on the benches watching the fountain and the students passing by.
Another thing I
like about this School is that the students are friendly and polite, and there
are so many studying here! But what I like the best is the relaxed environment
that is at the same time civilized and has rules.
Now I’m going to
talk about an episode that is new to me at School. During the student
association elections, the candidate lists organized interesting events. What
struck me the most were the concerts during the breaks, because it is different
to see all School gathered in the school room that usually has tables, chairs
and sofas, but at that time there was only one stage. The bands that acted
managed to liven up the environment a lot.
Everyone at
school is nice (well, almost…), which helped me to adapt in an easier way to the
And I will stick around.
Afonso Eça Guimarães, 7º B
terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2019
Writers' Corner #24
I am
glad I picked up the courage to move to a country thousands of miles away from
the stability of home.
(Xitao Chui,
Singapore, studying at the University of Glasgow)
Have you ever thought
of studying abroad?
Studying abroad is a very popular activity nowadays.
I would love to travel to another country and study there. If I studied
abroad, I would have the chance to learn new words, practise accents and, most
importantly, learn about the fascinating culture of a specific country.
I have an extreme passion for the
U.K. and specially London, but in honour of my favourite actor - among other
reasons -, I would choose the Republic of Ireland. Ireland is such a beautiful
place! Yet, it is extremely underrated. I would choose Dublin, not only because
of the influencers that were born in the city, but also because of its beauty
and grace. The language wouldn't be a struggle for me because I can speak and
understand Irish English (the local accent and vocabulary).
Still, the great difficulty I would face is money as I can’t afford it. I
could participate in the Erasmus programme , but for me it wouldn’t be the same
If I ever studied in Dublin, I would probably never leave it!
Lara Pires, 10º M
quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2019
quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2019
Writers' Corner #23
I am
glad I picked up the courage to move to a country thousands of miles away from
the stability of home.
(Xitao Chui, Singapore, studying at the University of Glasgow)
(Xitao Chui, Singapore, studying at the University of Glasgow)
Have you ever
thought of studying abroad?
I would like to study abroad. I think it would be a good experience for me
to grow up, but my mom wouldn’t really let me go.
If I had the chance, I would go to South Korea because, in my opinion, it
would better fit/suit my objectives. They have good artists there and they are growing
in the fashion industry. I would learn a lot of things about their culture and
history, which would be good for one of my favourite hobbies - writing.
There would be some difficulties, though: I would be far away from home; I
would have to learn more Korean; and, the most difficult thing, I would have to
accept a different culture.
In conclusion, it would be very beneficial, but, at the same time, I think
it would be too much for a teenager.
Beatriz Pereira,10ºM
quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2019
Writers' Corner #22
Living in a multicultural society takes time. It’s a long educational
(Jeresa Hren – Women’s Leadership Conference)
As everyone
knows, a society can’t become multicultural in the blink of an eye. It’s simply
impossible to get everybody on the same page about diversity and
As such, the
transformation to a multicultural society is a lengthy process. Some people
might not agree with it at first and heavily oppose it, and this is mostly why
it takes so long.
In order to
solve this, all we need to do is educate these people about the benefits of
diversity. If we do the educating part first and then the leaders of the
society slowly implement policies to promote a more diverse society, it should,
with time, culminate in an overall bigger acceptance of multiculturalism by the
general population.
However, this
transition doesn’t always happen smoothly. In fact, there are nearly always
some sort of conflicts that happen between different ethnic groups, which is,
of course, an undesirable scenario. Because of this, it’s vital that virtually
100% of the population agree on moving towards a diverse society since it is
clear that we can’t build a multicultural society by pure brute force.
conclusion, transitioning into a globalised society is a very long process that
sometimes takes generations to happen due to the drastic changes it causes in
people’s lifestyles.
Luís Pereira,
segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2019
Writers' Corner #21
How important
is music in your life?
In my opinion, music plays a very important
role, not only in teens’ life but also amongst all generations. For me
particularly, music is one of the most important things in my life.
My love for music started when I was a little
girl. My dad (and later my sister) has always encouraged me to know a little
about music - mostly rock -, not only for the pleasure of listening to it, but
also because it’s really important to have some general knowledge. Music is so
important for us that one of the family traditions is to go to concerts
together – me, my mom, my dad and my sister. Music is also present in my hobby,
which is playing the drums.
conclusion, I think we should all enjoy the great things that music gives us.
Costa, 10ºK
sexta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2019
O Livro do Mês #5
O Japão é um Lugar Estranho é a história da viagem do escritor Peter Carey a Tóquio, com o seu filho, Charley. Com doze anos de idade e apaixonado por manga, Charley anuncia ao pai que quando for grande vai viver na capital japonesa. Partem então os dois em busca de autores famosos de livros de manga – a banda desenhada emblemática do Japão, com personagens de enormes olhos redondos e expressividade exagerada – e dos mais importantes estúdios e criadores de anime – os desenhos animados originados em obras de manga (e vice versa). Pelo caminho, percebe-se que estamos todos “Enganados acerca do Japão” – e é esse o título original do livro (Wrong about Japan): nada é o que parece, o estrangeiro mal consegue aflorar a superfície desta cultura hermética regida por regras rigorosas que determinam tudo, do modo de fazer o chá à profundidade das vénias. A cada interpretação, o “estranho” percebe que nada percebe do Japão. Do primeiro ao último dia. À espera da imagem tradicional de quimonos e templos budistas (que também existe, mas sob a forma de ilhas), o encontro com Tóquio é o choque cultural com uma modernidade ordenada e tão característica que permite aos seus habitantes viverem como personagens de manga ao fim de semana. Encontramos anjos e demónios, mulheres vestidas como miúdas e homens como bichos fofinhos. Porque durante a semana, a vida não se parece muito com a manga colorida e movimentada dos livros.
terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2019
Writers' Corner #20
Living in a multicultural society takes time. It’s a long educational
(Jeresa Hren – Women’s Leadership Conference)
Nowadays emigration has become a necessity for those who hope
for a better future, so it shouldn’t
come as a surprise that multicultural cities have arisen.
Living among various cultures and having the ability to fit
in is a skill that takes time to achieve. To the more experienced traveller,
whose life has been spent wandering every corner of our planet, infiltrating in
such a society isn’t a problem, but to the inexperieced traveller whose sole
contact with other cultures occurred through hotel check-ins or airport
passport-controls, it can be quite hard to accept the concept of
multiculturalism. Issues such as racism, xenophobia and other types of discrimination
have always persisted and will always persist due to the existence of
narrow-minded people but, surprisingly, “the digital natives” era came to help
reduce the quantity of such individuals as it is, in fact, through apps like Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram that people are able to connect to the world and, thus,
gain more knowledge in regard to cultural diversity.
Overall, learning to live and interact with people from different
backgrounds is an impressive feat that takes time. Even though it might be a
slow and tedious process, it is definitely worth it as, in the end, one will
not only acquire the ability to live anywhere and get along with the different
races, but will also become more familiarized with the world outside the safety
of home.
Denise Pinheiro, 11º F
terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2019
Writers' Corner # 19
How important is music in your life?
Music is very
important for people of all ages, but especially for teens. It can help us get
through the changes that we can’t control and our daily problems.
In my case, music
helps me relax before a test and control my anxiety. It’s also very helpful
when I’m studying because it helps me stay focused and memorize things.
Besides all the help in my school life, I also use music to express
myself and to make me feel better whenever I have a really bad day.
Finally, I also use music as an “icebreaker”, for example, when I
meet someone new, music is always a good conversation topic, and it avoids all
the awkward moments.
In conclusion, I think that music is truly important, not just for
me, but for all people around the world, no matter their age.
Maria Figueiredo, 10º K
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